July 13, 2009

So, Got a Pet Bat...

Don't worry; according to Wikipedia, Japan is actually rabies free!


  1. It's very kawaii in that creature of the night sort of way.

    A friend of mine had a sugar glider, which is kind of like a bat, which she would sometimes keep in her bosom. Which was funny when it started moving and everyone stared at her chest wondering why it was moving.

    Anyways, the only reason I told that little anecdote was that there maybe some info on sugar gliders out there that would be good for bats too.

  2. wow thats fricken cool. I would be too scared to pick one of those up from the side of the road though..

    Awesome how it went from hardly moving to pretty active.

    But yeah, let us know how it goes. When the time comes where will you release it to?


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